Captains of the civil war : a chronicle of the blue and the gray

Author : Wood, William Charles Henry

Publications : New Haven : Yale University Press


478 Pages


About Book

William Wood is a Veteran of 11 years in Air Force Security Service, serving as a Communications Analyst. He was fortunate to have spent eight of those years in England, where he met his wife Jill. He also served with the 6994th Security Squadron in Vietnam from December 1969 to December 1970. After his military service he completed a Masters degree in Public Administration and served in executive administrative positions in health care until his retirement. "Rescued Love" is a story linking love of pets to the love of people. A strong supporter of pet rescue and adoption rather than hybrid breeding, his second novel is intended to draw attention to the abuse faced by both pets and humans through the lives of several families. This is his second novel. His first novel "Code Warriors - A Year in Vietnam" is also available from Amazon Books An avid reader he particularly enjoys the works of Ken Follett, David Baldacci and Greg Isles. He and Jill live near Columbus, Ohio.

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United States
New Haven : Yale University Press
Published Date